Won't you please help us continue our important mission?
The SANCTUARY will someday house all of the incarnations of THE GAME that is BURGERTIME and with your help, this awesome vision will become a reality. Housed in the spacious basement of the current church headquarters in San Francisco, California, THE SANCTUARY will be a chill space with all the arcade, handheld, homesystem and computer incarnations of THE GAME that is BURGERTIME. It will be open to all neophytes, interested parties and other curious onlookers and interlopers of the church.
We currently have burgertime vicars, potentates, magisterium and carnitas consecratium all over the United States, searching out CHEF PEPPER in all his incarnations, be it in the old 1980's Burgertime Restaurants or other places of pilgrimage where the game sits in holy sancronicity. Help us spread the word. Start your own PARISH.
Help us continue the evolution of the church doctrine and letters. We need your help to keep going. Send us your letters, pictures and ideas. Help us eat the burgers we so need to keep up our strength. Just 10$ can feed a hungry pastor, priest or pontifex maximus for a day.
WOW, you're doing some great work. What do I get for a donation?
The church is currently offering these handsome limited edition color copier quality stickers for a small donation of 10$ or more. They are approximately 2.5" high and 6" wide. Show your pride and undying devotion to the game and remember, the nation that gives and receives the most is the Do-Nation!
sticker #2
sticker #3
sticker #4
Act NOW and in addition to a sticker, the church of burgertime will send you a kinkos quality stapled and signed copy of the THREE TENETS OF BURGERTIME. We will also put you on our mailing list so you can receive the further LETTERS OF THE CHURCH. Won't you please help us continue our important mission?
OK, I want to help. What are my options again?
You'll be happy to know that you're supporting our great cause. Be one with CHEF PEPPER and help us to SPREAD THE WORD! Thank you!
A word from pontifex maximus
Please Note, the church of burgertime is not recognized as a non profit entity. The powers that be don't consider our important work to be worthy of the tax protection of other "churches". I don't want to go into it. Anyway, you can't write off your donations. Also, misinterpret in no way that you have to pay for the MAME or the ROM. Your donations go for our continuing work on spreading the word of CHEF PEPPER and the THE GAME THAT IS BURGERTIME only.